Sunday, April 5, 2015

October 27, 2014- Week 12 in Atlixco!

I'm not really sure how to start this letter because this week was just so GREAT! I am SO glad to say that I will be here for another 6 weeks...still with Hermana Traylor!! We were pretty surprised to hear that, but we're both glad we're staying...and let me tell you why :)

First thing first, I have to tell you all about Jeronimo! Guys, I'm not exaggerating or anything, but Jeronimo is a golden investigator. He is the MOST prepared person I have met yet on my mission and I know that we're just going to be helping him to prepare for baptism. So, Jeronimo contacted us about a month ago. He told us that he was interested in us visiting him, because his son is a member and wants to learn more. Since that first moment, we knew there was something special about him. But so many things kept us and him from getting to our appointments so we weren't able to officially sit and teach him until Tuesday. We sat down and he started to tell us why he wants to listen. He told us that his wife died about 6 years ago...something that affected him a lot. Since then, he has been searching everywhere for the truth about everything - God, life after this, ect. I don't know how long his son has been a member or anything, but Jeronimo told us that one day, his son shared a scripture from the BOM with him. He told us that the scripture hit him really hard and hasn't been able to get it out of his mind since. He saw us, and knew that we were missionaries for his son's church and immediately knew he had to learn more. When we were with him on Tuesday, he said, "Hermanas, I promise you that this isn't just curiosity. I want to join your church. This is what my soul has been looking for. This is what my heart needs." When he said that, I knew that he was ready. We also had the chance to see him on Saturday too. He asked us a lot of questions - about the priesthood, baptism, God... Especially about God. He told us that he doesn't really have faith or trust in Him.. but after we shared our testimonies about Heavenly Father, he teared up and said "Maybe I don't have faith in God right now, but I want to. I want to have the same kind of conviction that you have, and I want to know that He loves me too." WE LOVE HIM! He has a baptism date set for Nov 16th and we know that he is one of the reasons why we're still here.

Also, Violeta, Diego and Fernanda are progressing beautifully. :) We talked about the Restoration, and I'm pretty sure Deigo and Fernanda memorized the Restoration pamphlet! They were SO excited when we gave them all Books of Mormon, and I can't wait to see if they've recevied their answers! They are also willing to be baptized once they know it's true! 

Yesterday... we had three different inactive families come to church yesterday, families that we have been working with forever and they all came for the first time yesterday, 9 people in total. One of them, Moises, hasn't been to church in 8 years, since he was 15 years old. When I watched the first familie walk in, I was so excited! By the time the last family walked in, I thought I was going to die of happiness! I could not stop smiling through all of sacrament meeting!

And can I just say that I love Hermana Ramirez?!?!? I'm not gonna lie...I think when everyone hears that they'll be in a trio, a part of you starts to panic. But we have just loved being together. I've learned a lot from her, and I know that this week went so well because it was the three of us. I'm sure gonna miss her after tomorrow :( But I know that her last cambio needs to be spent helping others, and Hermana Traylor and I are just going to keep working super hard.

The rest of the week was just a blur to be quite honest...I don't really remember what else happened. But it was a great one :) Time goes by so fast here in the mission, but it is time that I never want to take back. I am so grateful for every single moment I have here, and I'm so excited to be here in Atlixco for another transfer. I love you all so very much, and I hope you have a great week!! Happy Halloween too!! :) 

Love always,
Hermana Smith

PS: Scripture of the Week: 2 Nephi 26:28

-So...we found lice in Hermana Traylor's hair. Luckily only one and after washing her hair, I think she's good to go :)
-The volcano was spitting out ash yesterday! It was pretty scary!
- I love these sisters so much!

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